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Strange News

I wouldn't recommend this lol, but when i read it, I just had to share it. It takes " hair of the dog" to a whooooooole new level.

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - An 11-year-old boy is enjoying a flash of fame in Brazil after biting a pitbull that attacked him as he played in his uncle's back yard, local media reported on Thursday.

Gabriel Almeida, who lives on the outskirts of Belo Horizonte in the state of Minas Gerais, broke a canine tooth when he bit into the dog's neck to fend off an attack. Since then, he has been pampered in the studios of several TV stations, where he has been recounting his ordeal.

"I grabbed him by the neck and bit," he told O Globo newspaper. "It's no big deal. It's better to lose a tooth than to lose your life."

He was freed when bystanders pulled the dog off him and needed four stitches in his arm.

Thank goodness the munchkin is okay.......but you have to wonder if the dog learned his lesson!!!!


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