It's My Blog And I'll Say What I Want To

Helping Serena, Update

So far, Bloggers 4 Serena has raised $9. I know we can do better than that. Especially since it's free for us to help her. So come on ya'll. Join Moms At Home and you'll help raise money for Serena plus have a chance at some other stuff. See this post for more information.

Remember, you don't have to be a mom to join, not if you are just looking to help Serena. Every member counts for 50 cents donation. AND if we can get 100 people to join in, I'll match the donation amount. So if we raise $50, i'll give $50 more out of my own pocket. C'mon ya'll, you have nothing to lose and it's totally free for you. ( Remember to check "no mail" and you won't be contacted at all by the group and you never have to participate if you don't wish)



Hi I just joined your group, I hope I did it right, I just clicked on the link you provided and made an account according to what it said. Hope this helps.

Hi I also just added your Icon to my blog. :)

Yep you joined correctly. Ty and ty for adding the icon. I really feel like we can find a way to help this little girl if we really try.